Friday, April 18, 2008

Generic Gripes

Two things:

1. If you have a generic class with type parameter constraints, those contraints are not inherited automatically in sub types. Ex:

class Foo<T> where T: IConvertible

class Bar<T> : Foo

Don't work. You have to put the "where T: IConvertible" on Bar. Doesn't make sense to me.

2. There is no way to loop through a bunch of generic instances with different type parameters and access members that don't have type parameters anywhere in their signature. Ex:

If you have some lists, like:
List<int> = GetInts();
List<strings> = GetStrings();

You can't reference them with just List<> or List<?> or something. While obviously
you can't access the Add, Insert, indexer, and whatever else has the generic type in it. But it would be really convenient if I could access things that don't use it, like Count.

It would be cool to be able to do something like this:

using the two lists above:

List<List<?>> lists = List<List<?>> (ints, strings);

foreach( List<?> currList in lists )
int count = currList.Count;//Add would not be available. But Clear would.

In the List case, IList makes it possible to loop through some lists and get the Count. So maybe that's a bad example. But imagine you make your own sweet generic class, and want to access some generic-agnostic member, like the HasValue property of Nullable<T>. Then you have to implement an interface or derive from a base class that isn't generic.

I understand why that's not possible today and that it would be difficult to allow. However, it's not impossible and would be nice.

That's all. Very granular crap. Nice weather today.

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